Friday, May 7, 2010

Second Thoughts on the Red Bellied Monicker

Once in a while I obtain a photo from the BirdCam that gives me a powerful insight on bird plumage. For example, I didn't really appreciate the concept of a "Yellow Shafted" Flicker until seeing a marvelous upclose image. And Wednesday I marveled at this image of the Red Bellied Woodpecker, avec red belly. Many have debated the choice of name for this bird, and most I believe think the "Red Bellied" label is overblown. But I wonder if the original classifier (Audubon? Wilson?) had a view such as I did, of a striking red streak on the belly. I can easily understand the reasoning. But of course we don't usually get this perspective, and will go on debating until time immemorial. Today at least, I get it. Red is.

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