Thursday, January 6, 2011

This is New...and Unexpected

I've laid eyes on nearly 80,000 photographs taken by my BirdCams since 12/2007 and with minor exceptions (always because of poor light) I've identified every bird pictured. Tuesday's photography turned up a bird I really struggled first. I first toyed with the idea of a female Rose Breasted Grosbeak. But she'd have to be a Grosbeak midget -- this bird was barely larger than nearby American Goldfinches. Not to mention that RBG's are not supposed to be within a thousand miles of here in winter.
After some time, I realized that what I just might have is a first for me, in the NC Piedmont: an irruptive female Purple Finch. I haven't seen one in many, many years. Size and color fits. Plumage fits. Feeder behavior fits. Obviously I need to watch the feeders carefully, watching also for any males who may be in the area. Amazing stuff!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Our birdcam picked up a Pine Siskin at our feeders a few weeks ago, but we haven't seen one ourselves in the yard, ever. Funny I also had a female Purple Finch in our backyard a couple of years ago. I didn't know what it was so I took a photo and kind of forgot about it for a while. Some time later I identified it. Tricky finches. :)