Monday, December 5, 2011

No Grackle Mobs Here

Yesterday morning I came across a flock of Common Grackles that was of brobdingnagian proportions.  And what was more heart-stopping was that they were moving behind a row of homes.  I can only feel for the birdfeeders living there, and wherever else that mob paid a visit.  Fortunately, grackles have had no such impact here.  I had a good deal of visitation by a family group over the summer months, but by a group that seemed rather well-behaved.  And in fact we have never, as far as I am aware, experienced a swarm of grackles.  It's probable we are not on or adjacent to habitat that a large group of grackles would find interesting.  A bird of that size has greater nutritional needs than that which supports the smaller songbirds we attract.  And that, I hope, stays the case.  A few grackles in moderation is a pleasant diversion.  Hundreds...let's not go there!

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