Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Small But Brave

Most of our songbirds are skittish creatures, looking about nervously and fleeing at the slightest movement.  I rarely get close to them.  They will get relatively close if I am motionless for a long period of time.  But there are exceptions.  Here's the most striking.  I have tended feeders while a Brown Headed Nuthatch works its favorite spots, and this species tends to regard me with mild interest only.  Today I got within inches of a nuthatch and the bird didn't flinch.  Yet it is the smallest of our visitors!  I let this one go about its business and did what I set to do only after it finished and moved off: always nice to send a message that I am perhaps not a bad guy.  But I am still marvelling at what some species are willing to tolerate!

1 comment:

Woodduck said...

Lucky you! I've never had one at a feeder.