Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Surprising Behavior Revealed

For many, many years I was assured that some songbirds cannot and would not deal with some types of feeders.  An example: "cardinals don't go to suet baskets".  And over time, my own experience seemed to confirm those shibboleths.  But with BirdCam as an ally, and sometimes in real time, I have seen departures from the script.  I've now seen a Northern Cardinal working a suspended suet basket, and the photography suggests quite successfully, too.  This particular feeder is in a section of the yard that could be called Cardinal Alley.  It abuts a quite tangly section.  Has a safflower seed feeder (a cardinal favorite!) and is somewhat secluded, perfect for reserved cardinals.  So just perhaps this Red One got it in his head that he'd have the suet, too.  Another surprising behavior!

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