Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Commanding Position

I think it's safe to say that I have a pretty good office park when it comes to birding.  We have a substantial meadow--intended for a future building, we abut a Durham NC park (which hosts the Piedmont Nature Center), and we also abut the northern reaches of the Lake Jordan game lands.  As a consequence, we can find species that might not be found in the typical office campus.  I've also commented on some of the birds I have found---Song Sparrows, Red Tailed Hawk, and Eastern Bluebirds.  Here's another: this Eastern Phoebe has been using Building II as his display perch.  Waaaaaaay up at the crown of that four-story structure he sings, most commandingly.  I can't imagine anyone missing that distinctive "fee-BEE".  Happily for me the Phoebe is a year-round bird (as it is for much of the southeast US) and just perhaps this fellow will be visible for some time, perhaps hunting in the wide open expanse around the facility.  And just perhaps there will be a Phoebe nest around the building.  We shall soon see...

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