Monday, July 2, 2012

Feed Consumption at Half Year

We've now reached the halfway point of the calendar year, and according to the data I have collected on birdfeed consumption, it has been a great year for the wallet!  Safflower seed intake is down 46% compared with the same period last year, and sunflower seed is down 32%.  If we convert the savings into quantities, I have saved nearly two 25# sacks of safflower seed and one-and-a-half 50# sacks of black oil sunflower.  In contrast, suet cake consumption is nearly identical: just over 57 cakes consumed in the first six month period each.  Why the difference in seed take?  I suspect the single greatest reason is that we have gotten the squirrels out of those feeders.  And, just possibly, I've lost a little bird traffic especially in the winter months.  But I like the numbers.  Birds are out there, and I've kept a little green in the pocket!

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