Sunday, November 3, 2013

Another Step Towards Winter

This weekend was a cave-in for me.  The bird bath deicer came out of storage and was rigged up.  That action is akin to trimming the old Christmas tree: wires running here and there, up and down, between the back side electrical box and the backyard bath.  The timing is right, as our part of the country usually sees its first freeze in the beginning ten days of November (although this year we scored a 29F on October 26th.  After this, who knows?  we can ordinarily expect between 30 and 40 frozen mornings and I like to present the birds with one dependable ice free location.  That photo above was taken on a bitter January morning and the bluebirds lined up for a warm drink.  Let's keep those images coming!, I think.  So I took my next step towards winter. 

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