Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Flood of Finches, Again

Back in February I needed to leave town, and left no mechanism for filling sunflower seed tube feeders.  And like magic--a tormenting mob of House Finches and American Goldfinches...vanished.  Oh sure, there were a few around, not enough to cause trouble.  And seed consumption relaxed greatly.  This went on for more weeks than I dreamed possible.  But like all things, that passed.  And the trickle of finches became a flood.  And I am pouring seed into those same feeders.  That I am ahead of the game, and actually enjoy the twittering of "Hollywood" finches -- and a sense that young are being fed -- has prevented me from sitting on my hands and letting the tubes empty out.  But I learned a lesson in February: that only the pesky birds moved to some other victim.  Can't say I won't try again in June...

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