Thursday, April 1, 2010

All Points Bulletin For CCs

I think I am fairly sensitive to the changes in bird traffic at our feeders: perhaps even too so. And I often find myself thinking "I haven't seen as many _x's_ lately." And we are subject to great variations in visitation. One recalls our great Goldfinch absence of 2008-09, and the curious disappearance of Robins in late 2009. In recent weeks we have had noticeable drop-aways. I am seeing half as many House Finches, for one. But I am also not seeing as much of our Carolina Chickadees. Some are around, true, but I don't see them nearly as often as I had in recent years. Even during the Great Backyard Bird Count in February I was surprised how fee birds I observed. I may be seeing a temporary lull. It may be the Chickadees had a rougher winter than I expected, or perhaps a nearby feeder is more attractive, or even predation may have taken its toll. I'm not deeply worried. CC's are resilient and feasts do follow famines.
I will have to put out a sort of All-Points-Bulletin on my neighborhood walks. Where have all my CC's gone?

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