Sunday, February 27, 2011

It Works! It Works!

Longtime readers will recall my struggles with a gift Colonial Williamsburg "Bird Bottle" which drew zero bird interest in three years out in the yard. In a final throw of the towel I mounted the thing on the house, just above the garage door. Why there? Carolina Wrens have for years tried to build a nest inside the garage and just perhaps the close by location would be as attractive. Well, it definitely was! I discovered today that some bird, probably a wren, did build something of a nest inside the bottle. To be sure, it is not proof positive of an active nest in the works as Carolina Wren males will set up several nest efforts that the female might choose from. But I believe we have made major gains, people. A bird liked it enough to put some work into a nest. We're watching what happens next with great interest.


Woodduck said...

Good luck. We had one that was never desirable to birds.

Amy said...

Location, location, location! Good news and I hope to read an update with a successful nest in the coming weeks. :)