Thursday, May 5, 2011

Squirrel Update

It has been a wonderful spring. Yes, simply marvelous. There is a song in my heart, and a spring in my step. The flowers are more colorful, the sky bluer... all is indeed well. And why, you ask? Because the squirrels, most wretched sciurus carolinensis, have been just where I want them...for months. We can't expect there to be no squirrels, nor that we can utterly defeat these pesky rodents. But we can reduce them to a minor pest. We can even start to be amused by their antics. My regimen of hot pepper suet products, safflower seed, and steel cages has collectively held the little beasts at bay. They do try to get in (as this little charmer is doing) but they're not getting the job done, and they don't get all the seed they want. And I can live with that: a cost of doing business. For much of 2011 that has been the case, and I'm spreading the word. Happiness can be yours, too. Life is good.

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