Monday, May 16, 2011

Suet Moving Like Crazy

May has always been a hot-and-heavy month for suet consumption around here. That's all a function of number of new mouths to feed, and my suet feeders are an easy score for all kinds of birds, from the woodpeckers to the catbirds. Just this week I set out three 12-ounce cakes of suet and they're already worn down a ways. And I'm putting out 3 to 4 ounces of suet nuggets each morning, a quantity that is falling short of demand. It's not unlikely that a third of my annual suet bill will be paid in this one hectic month alone! But what the heck: it is interesting to watch the action and I do know what's behind the rapid consumption. When does the feeding frenzy end? We shall see!

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