Sunday, January 29, 2012

Blackbird Convention

I have speculated of late that a certain male Red Winged Blackbird might not be a rogue and that friends of his might just be interested in what goes on here.  Today, that speculation became a reality.  Those blackbirds very definitely know what's going on here.

The scene is a suburban driveway.  The birder goes out to recover the day's newsletter and hears the distinctive raspy twang of a Red Winged Blackbird from high in a sweetgum on his property.  And then... another calls from behind the house... and another calls from across the street.  No, make that two from across the street.  And one by one Red Winged Blackbirds announce themselves from seemingly every tree in the vicinity.  Oh ho ho.  Birder is in the center of a blackbird convention. 

But these blackbirds don't seem to want to stick around.  They are not there two hours later nor do they seem to have descended on any feeders.  Nevertheless, it is a good bet they know what's here.

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