Thursday, April 12, 2012

Cardinals and Cars Don't Mix

There's an epidemic on our cul-de-sac.  It seems that several of my neighbors (all of whom park automobiles outside) have taken to wrapping their rear view mirrors.  To protect them from...hormone crazed male Northern Cardinals.  The cardinals are especially keen to spot "rivals" in the mirrors and to assault them ferociously.  And they hang around the cars in hopes of heading off their "rivals", leaving guano streaks everywhere.  From the dark looks those neighbors cast in my direction, I suspect I am being blamed for attracting the cardinals in the first place.  But cardinals are everywhere.  And so are car mirrors.  These two don't work well together in the breeding season regardless of how much birdseed the guy down the street puts out.  Life is tough.  Clear out the garage and park inside.  Or wrap your mirrors. 

1 comment:

Dave Wenning said...

Can't please everybody. I wish we had Cardinals here. Perhaps your neighbors would prefer Northern Flickers drumming on their chimney 5 AM.