Monday, August 6, 2012

Squirrel Update

Yes, it's time for another squirrel update!  The good news just keeps coming.  The local specimens of most wretched sciurus carolinensis have continued to largely behave, confining their raids only to the cast offs from tube feeders.  I believe I am still dealing with four animals, but recent days I am doubting whether one still lives.  It's getting easier to tell them apart based on their direction of retreat.  Chumley (West), Dudley (South by west) and Lindsey (East) have been much in evidence.  Bretley (Northeast) isn't as obvious to me.  Perhaps he waits until I am out of the premises.  No matter: my tree rat problem continues to be a light one indeed.  This has lasted almost all of 2011 and 2012 combined.  Loving it...

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