Saturday, January 18, 2014

Scratch Ground is Quite the Magnet

Ever since I removed an overgrown juniper in the summer of 2012, I've maintained(?) a sort of scratch ground under the streetside feeders.  It's a popular place for ground feeders and feeder birds alike.  Cardinals are frequently seen there, and I can count on towhees, White Throated Sparrows, House Finches, and others on a regular basis.  Cover is available fairly close by so the birds are reasonably secure and cannot be ambushed any longer by cats.  I get a hoot watching doings in the scratch ground in good weather, but can't see much when I'm indoors in winter.  Such is life.  But mind you, come the Great Backyard Bird Count my binoculars will be scanning this scratch ground a good deal.  It's too good a magnet!

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