Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Little More Peace and Quiet

It has been suprising this spring: we're not hearing this character nearly as often. In recent years what seemed like a gang of Red Bellied Woodpeckers has been assaulting "drummable" surfaces in the subdivision. But in 2010, I have only heard one drum a little bit. From my vantage point in the home office today, I only head a RBW drum once. What might be happening? Are there fewer birds this year? My observations during the Great Backyard Birdcount would not bear this out. And I see them at the suet feeders at sufficient intervals for me to know at least one pair is nearby. Nor is my home any less attractive. It's a springtime mystery! I prize the extra peace and quiet, but I am concerned that something is amiss. We'll just have to keep our eyes and ears open.

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