Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Barn Swallows in Two Places

And sometimes, one gets lucky.  In my case, doubly lucky.  For in the space of just 48 hours I managed to come across Barn Swallows in two different locations, separated by just over 500 miles as the, er, swallow flies.  The first sighting was beneath a highway bridge here in Cary, my home base.  There's a very active nest along one of our fine greenway trails.  I watched the action there for a brief period, so not to be a harrassment, on Thursday.  Two days later, while visiting Mystic Seaport (as documented yesterday) we came upon Barn Swallows in several places at the seaport.  One, as shown, an idle bird on a dock.  Others serviced nests with young in various workshops that might as well be barns.  The ID was unmistakable in all the cases: green back, rusty throat, white belly, and the forked tale.  And, invulnerability to my photography!  But what a marvel, even if neither setting was entirely natural. 

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